this weekend i made an attempt to start cleaning my office of all of my "organized clutter"...i started w/ the best section, my magazine tear outs. i place all of my ripped pages in a manila folder to later be filed away in my inspiration binders. it was this huge pile where i ran across amanda nisbet, the actress turned self-trained new york decorator. i was so intrigued by the picture that i immediately got on my computer and googled her to see what her design looks like. amanda's design is anything from bland and is definitely not your typical calming "white" room. her general rules in design are making each home have a assuring color palette, choosing bold fabrics (she loves reverse toiles), and having big, comfortable upholstery mixed w/ crystal lamps or lucite tables. i found her interiors to be fun, daring, and as far from "white" as you can possibly be! amanda was most recently featured in O Home where she used some magnificent lucite bar stools and an awesome coral pink paint color against chocolate brown shelving...check out her website to see pics!
once i started googling, my office cleaning ceased and i am surrounded by torn magazine pages w/ no home and no attempt to be organized....what can i say, i get easily distracted!
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